Global Trade of Wood and Paper Products
Global trade of wood products is
accelerating amid shifting regional production of raw materials. At the same
time structural change is occurring in regional production and consumption of
finished and semi-finished wood and paper products. Some countries which once
were major net exporters of wood products, such as the United States , have become major
net importers. Conversely, China ,
a country that not long ago was a major net importer of wood products, is
increasingly dominant as an exporter of value-added wood products such as furniture.
What are the reasons behind these shifts in sources of supply and demand for
wood and wood products?
Direct forces such as population
growth and rising socio-economic levels drive demand for wood and paper
products. Increasing purchasing power in developing economies empowers
consumers, both private and public, to purchase homes, furnishings and
accessories. Indirect factors, such promotion of wood, strengthen demand and
translate to significant gains in consumption in some markets. Consciousness of
climate change and the advantages of wood for products and energy is creating a
new impetus for increasing wood products consumption, including wood-derived
energy products.
Government and industry policies
are important market drivers. Government policies can support increased
utilization of wood, or can restrict wood in construction when standards favor
competitive building materials. Public procurement policies can be important in
this regard. Policies of the wood industry and of companies using wood and
paper products, can raise demand, for example through supportive corporate
social responsibility programs.
Addressed in this paper are a
range of products, from wood raw materials to value-added wood products. Included
are analyses of sectors involved in primary processing of sawnwood (lumber),
panels, and pulp and paper. Impacts of forest products certification on
markets, including wood energy markets, are also examined.
Keywords: wood and paper products markets, wood products trade,
wood trade flows, wood energy markets.
1. Introduction
Global trade of wood and paper
products is increasingly affecting local economies, governments and
organizations. “Globalization” can be positive for consumers when it means more
choice and lower prices for products, but it can mean the loss of those
consumers’ employment when production of their companies’ products is shifted to
another country. Regardless of your perspective, global trade is accelerating,
for a variety of reasons, and with considerable divergence between regions.
This paper and its presentation cover the main trends by region and by product.
Additional information for this paper in the form of statistics and numerous
additional graphs, along with the final version of the presentation, may be
found in an electronic annex.[1]
Trade of wood and paper products
ranges from raw materials, e.g. logs, to finished products, e.g. furniture. The
products covered in this paper include: industrial roundwood (as opposed to
fuelwood), sawnwood (lumber), panels, pulp and paper and value-added wood
products. Woodfuel is mentioned, as it has a growing importance in
international trade. Most roundwood globally is used for heating and cooking,
this local use does not impact trade. However, government policies to provide energy
security and promote renewable energy sources in light of escalating fossil
fuel prices, have created new international trade for woodfuels such as
The scope of this analysis is
global, with emphasis on main importing and exporting regions of North America,
Latin America (combining Central and South America), Europe, the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS), Asia and Oceania .
Because this paper is for the North American-based Society of Wood Science and Technology , Canada
and the United States
receive emphasis. And as the paper will be presented in Chile , its fast rise to become a
global trader is covered. China ’s
rapid developments over the past decade are highlighted, as is the rebound of
the CIS, and especially Russian wood and paper exports.
Our analysis period is normally
10 years, 1997-2006, using the most recent data from the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)/Food and Agricultural Organization
TIMBER database, FAOStat ForeStat database and UN Comtrade (validated by the
European Forest Institute). Global statistics are available through 2006, and
statistics for the UNECE region (Europe, North America
and the CIS) are available through 2007. At the time of presentation of this
paper some new forecasts will be available for the UNECE region through 2009; however,
the forecasts are neither included in this paper, nor in the preliminary
version of the presentation.
2. Global Forest
Products Market Trends
The global export value of wood
and paper products increased dramatically from 1996 to 2006, rising by over
half (54.2%), from $132 billion to $204 billion (Figure 1) (FAO, 2008).
According to the statistics, global import values have risen less, (47.7%); although
theoretically, global imports and exports should match for a given year. There
are many reasons why global imports and exports do not match, among which the
most worrisome issue today is the trade of illegally harvested wood.
Source: FAOStat, 2008.
Exports from the CIS, and
especially Russia , receive
considerable attention because they have rebounded during the last 10 years from
their low levels following the fall of the Soviet Union
in the early 1990s. Currently the value of CIS exports is similar to that of
Latin America, despite the greater forest area in the Russian Federation .
Over the last decade Latin American exports have doubled to reach $10.7 billion
in 2006 (FAO, 2008). Despite valuable tropical forests, Africa
remains a minor player in international trade, with most exports in the form of
primary products such as roundwood. Oceania
has maturing plantations, but the growth of exports has been slow. The
spectacular rise in Chinese exports is quite recent, appearing only within the
last few years. Europe has seen the largest
growth over the past decade, gaining $44.2 billion in exports, to reach $102.2
billion in 2006 (FAO, 2008). All of these figures include trade within and
external to the various regions. From 1996 through 2006, North American exports
were increasing, although they rose by the smallest percentage of any region
(10.3%). Since 2006 exports have fallen worldwide, as have imports, primarily
due to the crash in the United States (US) housing and associated forest
products markets that began in 2006, and which worsened in 2007 and 2008. This
is primarily due to the massive drop in Canadian exports to the US , which is their
major customer.
One factor driving exports of
forest products is simply availability of forest resources—but this factor
alone is not a reliable indicator of export volume as evidenced by the low
value of exports from the CIS shown in the graph above. Most CIS exports are
low-value industrial roundwood, i.e. sawlogs and pulplogs, which constrains
export value growth. CIS export growth, of which most is from the abundantly
forested Russia with approximately 25% of the world’s forest area, appears far
more robust when expressed in volume terms. Of the 80 billion m3 of growing
stock in Russia ,
47 billion m3 is in forests available for wood supply (FAO, 2005). Of this
volume, 20%, or 93 million m3 was harvested in 2005. Officially 24% of the
harvest was exported as roundwood in 2007, or more, 30% as industrial
roundwood, i.e. without woodfuel (UNECE/FAO, 2008b).
The more than doubling of
roundwood exports over the last 10 years from Russia has not gone unnoticed by
the government, which has established an escalating export tax (Figure 2)
(UNECE/FAO, 2008a). In mid-2008 the tax was 25% of the value or a minimum of €15
per cubic meter, which is scheduled to increase to 80% or a minimum of €50 per
cubic meter as of 2009. These taxes had tremendous effects on global trade
patterns in 2008, with countries dependent on Russian logs, e.g. China and Finland , moving quickly to restructure
their imports. The goal of the Russian Government is to increase value-added
processing and exporting, in part by giving a strong financial incentive for
foreign-direct investment in the forest products sector. Some foreign investment
is occurring as investors take calculated risks. The new Russian Forest Code
which was passed by the Government in early 2007, has not been implemented as
of mid-2008, in part due to a restructuring of the Ministry of Natural
Should foreign investment not
develop at anticipated rates consequences within the CIS could be severe. Many
remote Russian communities, for example, are dependent upon roundwood exports
due to a lack of wood processing facilities. There is concern that the situation
could lead to greater illegal logging and illegal export activity.
Figure 2
Imports of wood and paper
products developed positively for some regions, especially Europe
(Figure 3). Some regions have registered large percentage increases, but based
on small values, including Africa, CIS, Latin America and Oceania .
The regional trends as presented in
Figure 3 above are important for a broad understanding of recent developments
in global trade. However, changing drivers of trade, both market and policy
drivers, on a subregional basis, are more fascinating. North American net trade
remains positive (greater exports than imports), but this is primarily because
of Canada ’s
large export volumes (Figure 4). In contrast, the United States has swung into a net
importer status for many wood products, and especially value-added products
such as furniture. From 2000 to 2006, Europe shifted from a net importer to a
net exporter, as did Latin America (FAO, 2008).
One of the goals of the expansion of the European Union (EU), now 27 countries,
is to facilitate trade and investment in the larger block of countries.
Considerable investment by western EU countries into central and eastern EU
countries is taking place to: gain access to wood resources; lower
manufacturing and labor costs; access eastern European markets; take advantage
of positive investment climates; and hire skilled employees. Relaxing border
controls between EU countries has also facilitated the trade of wood and paper
In value terms, Asia imports
twice what it exports – however, export values are growing rapidly, especially
for China
and some Southeast Asian countries (Figure 5). The rapid increase is nothing
short of phenomenal, and is restructuring world trade of wood and paper
ven more remarkable, and with a
significant impact on world trade and traditional production centers, are China’s
furniture exports, both wood and non-wood (Figure 6). In 2006 China overtook Italy as the largest exporter of
furniture. While lower-priced furniture imports have benefited consumers around
the world, fierce competition with domestic producers, such as in the United States , has led to a dramatic downsizing
of furniture industries outside of China , with severe consequences on
local economies and employment.
Concurrent with rapidly rising exports
of wood products and other goods, China ’s gross domestic product
(GDP) and gross national income (GNI) have been growing annually by over 10%,
translating to marked increases in domestic consumption of all kinds of goods,
including forest products (Figure 7).
South American exporters are
increasingly influencing global markets, in part through exports of
plantation-grown wood. Conversion of natural forests to plantations is
controversial, especially in light of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
findings that 17% of global manmade carbon emissions stem from deforestation
and other unsustainable forest management practices (IPCC, 2007). Conversion of
natural forests to monocultures also reduces biodiversity. Nevertheless, intensively-managed,
rapid-growing forests can produce substantial volumes of oxygen and wood from
relatively small geographic areas, providing a valuable resource for
manufacturing wood and paper products.
Chile exports its products to a
multitude of destinations. For example, the largest destination for sawn
softwood is the US, at $1.6 billion in 2006, followed by Mexico at $1.0
billion, Japan at $493 million, Spain at $261 million, United Arab Emirates at
$200 million, China at $159 million, and over 40 other countries (FAO, 2008).
The US
has long been a net importer of forest products, including sawn softwood. Trade
restrictions, such as the US-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement, opened the door
for exporters such as Chile ,
especially given that such restrictions resulted in attractive, higher prices.
In Latin America, Chile ranks second in forest products export
value behind Brazil .
Brazil ’s
exports of forest products, of which 67% were pulp and paper, were valued at $5.6
billion in 2006 (FAO, 2008). That year Chile ’s exports were $3.2 billion,
although less pulp and paper, at 57% of total exports. For reference, in 2006,
total forest products export values for other Latin American countries were $552
million for Argentina and
$237 million for Uruguay .
These countries, with the major exception of Uruguay , show the normal trend of
development of the forest sector, with decreasing log exports, and increasing
value-added exports. In Uruguay ,
while sawnwood exports doubled in the past 10 years, roundwood exports tripled.
Uruguay ’s
exports from fast-growing eucalyptus plantations are in the form of pulpwood
and chips, and could increase with maturing plantations from the mid-1990s.
3. Trade Flow Trends
The direction of trade from
producing to consuming region has changed dramatically over the past decade for
many different products. Industrial roundwood serves as an example for this
analysis. European trade of roundwood has doubled, from 20 million m3 in 1996,
to approximately 40 million m3 in 2006, and represents the most important trade
flow globally in volume terms (Figure 9) (UN Comtrade/EFI, 2008).
The burgeoning trade of roundwood
from CIS countries, predominantly Russia, to Asia destinations, predominantly
China, is second, and has been expanding faster (Figure 10).
Figure 1
Industrial Roundwood Trade
Flows, Six Major Global Flows Indexed from 1996, 1996-2006
Source: UN Comtrade with European
Forest Institute validation, 2008.
4. Forces Affecting Trade
Demand for wood and paper is
directly linked to socio-economic factors including increases in populations,
GDP and purchasing power and thus global growth will occur in the long term. Fluctuations
in currency exchange rates, especially the weakening of the US dollar against
the other currencies for forest products trade, have caused severe distortion
in the global market place over the past two years. In the near term, and
perhaps through 2010, economic factors are likely to have a major influence as
problems in the US
housing market continue to disrupt international trade. As this paper is
drafted, a banking crisis erupted in the US , which has had far-reaching
impact on foreign banks holding US-based home mortgages. The prospect of
declining raw material availability from Russia will also significantly
impact trade patterns.
Green building programs are
already having an impact, although not always positively for wood; however they
could promote the use of wood in cultures where wood is not a major building
material now. Green building systems which recognize sustainably produced wood
from any source are key for new construction and renovation.
Another factor that is gaining
importance as a driver of wood consumption and trade is environmental and
social awareness. Realization that government, corporate, and organizations’
purchases can have a direct effect on sustainable forest management has led to
increasing procurement policies and social responsibility programs focused on
consumption of responsibly produced wood.
Climate change is currently a
major issue receiving growing recognition at the international, national and
local level. Attention to climate change issues is likely to emerge as another
such driver. The forest sector is poised to contribute positively to mitigating
climate change and sequestration of carbon in forests and wood and paper
products. However, as mentioned above, deforestation continues in some tropical
forests, generating atmospheric carbon and creating a negative image for the
sector, especially as a net 7.3 million hectares of forestland are lost
annually according to the most recent FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment
(FAO, 2005). (“Net 7.3” because total forest loss was 13 million hectares, but
expansion of plantations and natural forests significantly reduced the net loss
of forest area.) South America suffered the largest net loss of forests from
2000 to 2005, at approximately 4.3 million hectares per year, slightly above Africa ’s loss of 4.0 million hectares per year.
In the UNECE region, the area of
forests continues to expand slowly; however, the volume of wood within forests
is increasing (MCPFE/UNECE/FAO, 2007). For the three UNECE subregions, in the North
American subregion, approximately 80% of annual growth was harvested in 2005,
60% in the European subregion, and as mentioned above, 20% in the CIS subregion.
Harvesting less than the annual increment means that the unharvested trees continue
to grow, and the region’s forests have been increasing in volume.
Environmental awareness and the
need to halt deforestation, in large part to mitigate climate change, may lead
to less area of forests available for wood supply. There is growing pressure to
avoid conversion of natural forests to plantations, in part for conservation of
5. Future Prospects
The forest sector is poised to
contribute positively to mitigating climate change and sequestration of carbon
in forests and wood and paper products. Sustainable, wood-based energy has
tremendous possibilities to substitute for fossil fuels. Government policies
have been established to promote renewable energy sources, for example the
European Union has a target of 20% renewable energy by 2020, coupled with a 20%
increase in energy efficiency. This ambitious goal is being implemented by the
27 EU members, resulting in escalating wood energy demand. The demand is
currently being met from European sources, and imports as far away as British Columbia , Canada ,
where salvage of mountain pine beetle-killed lodgepole pine is being palletized
and shipped to Europe . Within Europe , demand for low-grade, small-diameter roundwood
for energy competes directly with industrial demand for panel and pulp
production. Rising bio-energy demand puts into question the future availability
of future wood for traditional wood and paper products, and will necessitate
mobilization of more wood from forests and other sources to maintain an
affordable stream of supply.
Promotion of wood and paper
products as sustainably produced, energy-efficient products is having success
in regaining market share in some countries over competing materials such as
metal, plastic and concrete. Continuing research and development are essential
to provide affordable wood fiber-based products for current and future needs. Promotional
campaigns are necessary to inform consumers of the advantages of wood and paper
products, including their sustainable production and recyclability. Positive,
factual messages are necessary to overcome misperceptions of deforestation and
illegal logging and trade. Whether promotion and dissemination of positive,
factual messages will in the long run overcome negative aspects and serve to
increase wood markets remains to be seen.
In the long term, trade patterns
are likely to stabilize, with continued growth as wood and paper consumption
increases. Greater demand for wood and paper products will necessitate more
efficient use of trees – including tops and branches, harvesting of a greater
proportion of annual growth, and continued genetic improvement of plantation
species. Increased demand will also require greater efficiency in manufacturing
and use, as well as full recovery of residues and byproducts. All of these
future possibilities will have an influence on trade, and require adequate
research and development.
6. References
Food and Agriculture Organization.
2008. FAOStat ForeStat database. Available at:
FAO. 2005. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005. Available at:
FAO. 2007. State of the
World’s Forests 2007. Available at:
Panel on Climate Change. 2007. Climate Change 2007 – Synthesis report.
Available at:
Ministerial Conference for
Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE), United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe (UNECE) and FAO. 2007. State of Europe ’s Forests 2007. Available at:
Tan, X., Shi, K. & Lin, F. 2007. The Production and
Trade of Wood Products in China
During 1997-2006.
Chinese Academy of Forestry. Beijing , China .
UN Comtrade/EFI. 2008. UN Comtrade database,
validated by European Forest Institute. Comtrade available at: and EFI available at:
UNECE/FAO. 2008a. Forest
Products Annual Market Review, 2007-2008. Available at:
database. Available at:
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